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Git Bash, commit, push and pull operations

Git is very populer version control system in various application for project teams.There are some application to manage git in visual applications such as tortoies git, etc.

But usually people prefer to use git bash console screen to manage git operations, its very fastest way to use git.

While you working on git ;

Git Commit operation :

1.get the differences between server and local repositorie with following command.
$ git status
2.With the following command line we can commit all the code showed at git status command.
$ git commit -a -m "update reason text" 
3.With the following command line we can send to server all the changes with our commit text.
$ git push

First time to commit our code : 

sometimes when we run commit code, it can says that I don't know who you are please set configuration with your informations.If we get this message, we can easly use following line
git config --global ""

Git pull operarations

1.get the differences between server and local repositorie with following command.
$ git status
2.get the updated code from server repositories
$ git pull

Hope that it can be useful for you!

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